Petaluma River Press

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Poem about Ruggles

Link to poem I am reading at the Eugene Ruggles reading July 24th, 2011.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Hyperion (poem) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hyperion (poem) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

borrowing freely from Keats
Deep in the shady sadness of his room,
far swollen from his diet of codeine and wine
Beyond the fires of television at noon, and the evening star,
lay gray-hair'd Gene, "quiet as a stone.
Still as the silence round about his lair."
And then the lines come, streaming light, 
filaments of invention and memory, 
with whimsy, alegria; a poetic calculus of joy.

Sunday, May 29, 2011



In Memory: Will Holst

I was saddened to hear that Will Holst passed. Also relieved. Will passed in a state of peace. He was a great friend of Gene's. So wanted him to be happy. Please stay in touch.

Our beloved Will passed from this life yesterday at 1:40 pm at Svend and Charity's home in Roseville. Both Amelia and I were at his bedside looking at him. He just stopped breathing. His passing was absolutely peaceful. The hospice nurse was there a minute or two later.

We had had to move him on Sunday because on Saturday evening he suddenly sat up, got up, took a few steps and fell. It was the last strength he had. Svend returned for the night and kept him from getting up. I drove him in my car for his last trip. He watched the road for a little while and then slept.
He told Svend Saturday night that he was going to pass soon.

Will donated his body to UCSF (Univ. of Ca. San Francisco) Department of Anatomy. They came dressed in black suits and were very formal and respectful.

I can't speak for the rest of the family, but I am all right and will be all right. I know he's free now. 

Will's grandson, Atticus, is having a hard time with this. He'll be 3 on the 30th. He wanted to go get his grandpa back and fix him. So Charity is sad for both her son's loss and the loss of her father-in-law.
I'll probably write again to let you know of any memorial plans, It's early now and there is much to do.

I must tell you that I could not have made it through these two years without all of your notes and calls and love and prayers. I am not kidding. This was bigger than I was. I got pressed to my max at times, and I've been aware of being infused with strength that wasn't mine. Thank you so very much again. May it be returned to you when you need it.

YouTube - Red Russian Army Choir & Leningrad Cowboys - Delilah

YouTube - Red Russian Army Choir & Leningrad Cowboys - Delilah: ""


Just a topic that bears mightily on an e-book edition of Roads of Bread, perhaps. 
Gene would never consider him a celebrity author, even though he was widely celebrated and admired.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Trepidations Aside, ‘On the Road’ Becomes a Movie at Last -

Trepidations Aside, ‘On the Road’ Becomes a Movie at Last -
Trepidations Aside, ‘On the Road’ Becomes a Movie at Last
Published: April 14, 2011
After years of failures, Jack Kerouac’s classic novel, has finally been made into a movie and those involved are just as anxious as fans about getting it right.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

More on 100 Thousand Poets for Change

Don't forget to send work for the 1OO THOUSAND POETS FOR CHANGE ANTHOLOGY: 

Visual works and photographs for submission are to be saved in JPEG format, while texts, which should not have rigid formatting, are to be in Word. 

All submissions should be emailed to the editors and by September 1, 2011 with “100 THOUSAND POETS FOR CHANGE” 
in the Subject line.

Friday, April 01, 2011


Dear Friends of Big Bridge,

I am writing to you about 100 THOUSAND POETS FOR CHANGE. This is an event I have begun to organize on Facebook and I am now bringing to those of you who are not using Facebook.

100 THOUSAND POETS FOR CHANGE is a community action event scheduled for September 24, 2011, which will include readings, demonstrations, and concerts happening simultaneously throughout the world in the name of poetry and change. We have been working on this project for only two weeks and the response has been inspiring. So far over 12 countries and 25 cities have volunteered to organize an event.

Below, I am posting information on 100 THOUSAND POETS FOR CHANGE as it appeared on Facebook. I talk about “change” and “organizing” to give you some general ideas on how this event can work. If you are interested in organizing a local group, please contact me by e-mail:, or join us at Facebook at, and “friend” me. 

In a couple of weeks I will be putting up a 100 THOUSAND POETS FOR CHANGE blog for this event where each local event will have its own event page with event information, and poems, journals, photos, videos from events around the world.

Please read the info below and if you have any more questions please feel free to contact me here at Big Bridge.

Thanks for join us!
Michael Rothenberg
Big Bridge


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The leg in a Greyhound cafe

Wondering about this book The leg in a Greyhound cafe by Eugene Ruggles (Unknown Binding - 1972)
Out of Print--Limited Availability